St. Simons Beach

About Me

Georgia, United States
Every morning I wake-up, shake the fuzz out of my brain, and hit the ground running. I want to be more laid back and go with the flow (and some days I am that person). But all the other days I am hustling Ramsey and Isabelle (my kids) through life, alternating between adoring William (my husband) and wanting to give him a light pop upside his head, teaching kids with special needs, and tending to Cotton and Jack (the dadgum dogs).

Monday, January 4, 2010

Metabolic Weight Loss Center is a No Go

Today I went to the Metabolic Weight Loss Center satellite office in Waycross for a free consultation.  My superhero sister, Dora, had success with this method in the past....and I wanted to give it a try.  I think the office in Valdosta has been around a lot longer and is way more developed and sophisticated.

Monday 01-04-2010 @ 4:15pm
William and I walk up a flight of stairs in a very old musty building in downtown.

First of all, the office is a very small room with bare walls, old desk, phone, no computer, a filing cabinet, and one bookshelf full of Metabolic products (not very appealing).  The one employee is very nice, but just not very motivationg if you know what I mean (awkward). She weighs us both and tells us all our depressing info, including how much of our body is fat (gross!)   Then we sit by the formica desk, and she spins around the "FOLDER".  You know...the folder with a powerpoint presentation that has been printed and slipped into sheet protectors. Then the folder is flipped on its side and there you have a very impressive FOLDER PRESENTATION!!! personalized just for you (and every other person who walks through the door).  It is black and white and tells you all you need to know about weight loss.
  • You will be healthier  (oh good, didn't know that)
  • It will improve your appearance (seriously?...)
  • You will have more energy.
  • Blah
  • Blah
  • More Blah
  • It will help you socially. (WHAT?)
Then she breaks down the cost:
We will both need a 17 week "treatment plan".  Plus several supplements (one of them mandatory for the contract).  She annoys me when she keeps referring to the most expensive and impressive supplement as "he".....she says, "MRC6 is our most comprehensive supplement.  He has a little bit of everything.  He works on your body fat by attacking cortisol, and he even has thermogenic properties!"  That kind of pill would definitely be a "she" in my book, cause "he" never would work that hard and be able to multi-task so well.    
Finally she goes over the cost.... William and I are both given free consultations, so we get a discount for having a spouse sign-up.
Here is the breakdown:
17 weeks of service - $268 EACH (just for weighing us twice a week and charting our progress)
Mandantory supplement - $90 each EVERY MONTH
Total Minimum Cost for both of us for 17 weeks = $1,256.
Total Minimum Cost for just me for 17 weeks = $960.

So we told the nice girl we would think about it and get back to her. 

And I really did think about it.  But, I decided no for a few reasons:
#1 Non-motivating environment

#2 Non-motivating personnel
#3 Super restrictive diet plans
#4 Really need to spend more on some of the other supplements available
#5 Plan included NO exercise (even discourages it at first b/c of lack of energy)
#6 Would be difficult to feed whole family this way (and I really want to feed the whole family in a healthy wholesome manner.)
#7 The cost just seems to be exorbitant for the service

Let me say before I close that I realize this may be just the ticket for many people, as it was for Dora.  But, I don't think it is something I can buy into (figuratively or literally).

Other ammo gathering....left message with a very popular local personal trainer.  Fingers crossed.  But, tomorrow I am also going to inquire at my gym about a couple of other personal trainers.  Still expensive, but no where near as much ...and also something I can buy into. 

Considering weight watchers again.....

Any thoughts from my friends?

(and thanks so much for all of your kind comments so is far more helpful and important to me than you could ever know....feel free to give constructive criticism or give me some "no bull" talk as needed.) 


  1. Heather,
    I would get a good trainer and spend the time in the gym. I always feel better after a good workout. The increased energy throughout the day and the stress release is awesome.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

    Love your Brother,

  2. Bahahaha!!! I am laughing my butt off... I can't wait for your next post, because you and your sarcasm are TOO funny! That office would have been a joke to me as well. As far as Weight Watchers.. I know of a couple of girls that had great success with it. Definitely more of an eating lifestyle that is realistic, eat the same foods, just portion control. Whatever method you choose to lose the weight, ultimately I think behind all of it is mind over matter. Once you have the "mindset" that you want to fit in your old jeans... you'll do it. I advise hanging a pair of jeans up and out so you can see them DAILY... go look at them before you sit down with the bag of m&m's, etc. Surround yourself with every motivational thing that you can think of! How is your hip? Make that appt with the Chiro! Love you and totally supporting you all the way!

  3. Hilarious! I think I would have been tempted to say Blah Blah in person. Good luck on the new personal trainer! I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago for a follow up, and he said..grinning...did you know that you have gained more weight? Duh duh #!###!!!///
    I am trying even harder....Special K with Berries for breakfast....and my first mile last night! Yay....we can help each other..Pleaaaeessssseeeee.....Love YOu
