St. Simons Beach

About Me

Georgia, United States
Every morning I wake-up, shake the fuzz out of my brain, and hit the ground running. I want to be more laid back and go with the flow (and some days I am that person). But all the other days I am hustling Ramsey and Isabelle (my kids) through life, alternating between adoring William (my husband) and wanting to give him a light pop upside his head, teaching kids with special needs, and tending to Cotton and Jack (the dadgum dogs).

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Run, Run as fast as you can....

Well, I ran....for the first time since November.  And it felt sooooo good yesterday when I was sweating, listening to my Ipod, gasping for air, feeling like I was superwoman!  Anna stretched us out really well afterward, and that is just so very important when you are old like me.  But that hasn't stopped my quad muscles from screaming at me today. Using the tank lid on the back of the toilet to ease down onto the potty, walking like a wobbly-legged drunk, begging William to push my straightened leg over my head to stretch.....but I LOVE IT!

On the right track with eating and exercising.

Monday: Session with Anna, then her running class
Tuesday: Session with Anna
Plan for rest of week
Wednesday: Cardio ball class with Anna (of course)
Thursday:  30 minute run/walk
Friday:  30 minute session with Anna
Saturday/Sunday: 30 minute run/walk


  1. When I have been "off the wagon of running, I say to myself, like the little train...I think I can, I think I can....and guess what? I do.....and you can too! Keep up the good workmy sista!
