St. Simons Beach

About Me

Georgia, United States
Every morning I wake-up, shake the fuzz out of my brain, and hit the ground running. I want to be more laid back and go with the flow (and some days I am that person). But all the other days I am hustling Ramsey and Isabelle (my kids) through life, alternating between adoring William (my husband) and wanting to give him a light pop upside his head, teaching kids with special needs, and tending to Cotton and Jack (the dadgum dogs).

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, Monday (like the Mamas and the Papas)

Feeling like taking names and kicking butts. 
Leading five awesome Waresboro fifth graders to the Battle of the Books tonight!  And there will be hotdogs, chips, and cokes....but, ALAS, I will eat supper at 3:30 before I go to the competition (from 4 to 7).  Then I will come home and have a nice bowl of fruit (golden delicious apples and strawberries) before bed. 

And I will Spark! 


  1. Way to go starting your week off the right way! Planning ahead, I'm impressed!

  2. Take your strawberries (or your apple) with you. That way you don't have to wait too long. You Spark girl!!!!
