St. Simons Beach

About Me

Georgia, United States
Every morning I wake-up, shake the fuzz out of my brain, and hit the ground running. I want to be more laid back and go with the flow (and some days I am that person). But all the other days I am hustling Ramsey and Isabelle (my kids) through life, alternating between adoring William (my husband) and wanting to give him a light pop upside his head, teaching kids with special needs, and tending to Cotton and Jack (the dadgum dogs).

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pounding the Pavement (with all 1?? lbs of me)

Suddenly I felt like running again.  So, last night at 9 I went for a run (with a few spurts of walking) with Tiffany.  It was about 80 degrees outside and felt fabulous. The run was hard with my foot and leg screaming at me. But, the smell of hot pavement, gas fumes from the passing cars, and intermittent wiffs of jasmine were delicious! Of course, the ladies helped me along too (Lady GaGa and Lady Antebellum). 

Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm o.k now!!!

Sorry about my earlier post....Spring Break is coming to a close and I was just feeling super blue about going back to work....and more specifically, back to the rat race.....feel like life is just zooming past when working so hard.

Had a great supper with friends, watched old Saturday Night Live, smooched on my babies......much better now.

In a Dark Place

Life sucks, Doritos do not.

Seriously, do not watch One Fine Day where Michelle Pfeiffer is exactly my age and 85 pounds lighter....looking amazing...